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It takes more than one visit to maximize your Argentinean experience, so vast is this country that stretches from the tropics to its temperate southern reaches. It’s also a different pace of life here with an often fluid travel schedule and dinner usually served after nine. The country’s icons, however, are loud and vigourously command our attention. The nation that gave us the Tango is also the home of a wine-lover’s paradise in Mendoza’s valleys. Coastal capital city Buenos Aires brims with vivacity and offers reminders of a tumultuous past. As a contrast to the cosmopolitan experience, some of the world’s most magnificent wild spaces inspire awe and bring about a sense of solitude. The big skies, jagged peaks, shimmering glaciers and magnificent waterfalls of Patagonia provide photographic fodder; Mount Fitz Roy dramatically explodes skyward. Also not to be missed are the painted deserts of the Andes and the white-tipped mountains in the Lake District. Finally, there’s the wildlife: legions of penguins in the cool south, condors, foxes, pumas, eagles and falcons to name but a precious few. In Argentina, everything is exuberant. Join us and become part of that energy.
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