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Quest Nature Tours

Would you like to observe and learn about wildlife and explore interesting habitats? Quest Nature Tours welcomes curious travellers who enjoy unique itineraries, insightful and affable naturalist leaders, and our easygoing style of travel. We travel to all 7 continents. A flagship branch of Worldwide Quest, our small-group tours are all about exceptional and educational field experiences, camaraderie, and fun.
  • Small groups
  • Expert leaders
  • More time exploring
  • All taken care of!
Good to Know
Signature Moments
  • Viewing Sperm Whales on our boat trip around Kaikoura Peninsula
  • Hearing the thundering herds of the Great Migration
  • Exploring the Panama Canal's tributaries by boat
  • Observing Galapagos Giant Tortoises foraging peacefully on Santa Cruz
  • Hiking along a beautiful volcanic coastline in Iceland 
Quest Nature Tours

The Bay of Fundy and Grand Manan

Aug 10-16, 2024 (7 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Brazil: Pantanal, Atlantic Forest & Cerrado

Sep 28 - Oct 12, 2024 (15 days)

Quest Nature Tours

In Search of Whoopers

Oct 02-06, 2024 (5 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Borneo: Spectacular Biodiversity & Orangutans

Oct 03-16, 2024 (14 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Canada’s East Coast Adventure

Oct 05-15, 2024 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

In Search of Whoopers II

Oct 07-11, 2024 (5 days)

Quest Nature Tours

New Zealand

Oct 15-29, 2024 (15 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Epic Antarctica with the Falklands & South Georgia

Oct 24 - Nov 13, 2024 (21 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Madagascar: Evolution Gone Wild

Oct 31 - Nov 13, 2024 (14 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Winter Birding on “The Rock"

Jan 16-22, 2025 (7 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Trinidad & Tobago

Jan 21-30, 2025 (10 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Classic Costa Rica: Quest for the Quetzal II

Jan 24 - Feb 03, 2025 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Spectacular Japan in Winter

Jan 25 - Feb 07, 2025 (14 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Best of Cuba

Feb 01-16, 2025 (16 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Mexico City with The Urban Birder

Feb 02-09, 2025 (8 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Galapagos: Explore Darwin’s Enchanted Islands

Feb 10-20, 2025 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Tanzania Classic Safari: The Great Migration

Feb 19 - Mar 02, 2025 (12 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Classic Costa Rica: Quest for the Quetzal

Feb 22 - Mar 04, 2025 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Yucatán Birds and Wildlife with Ontario Nature

Feb 28 - Mar 09, 2025 (10 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Belize & Tikal

Mar 10-21, 2025 (12 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Sri Lanka: The Land of The Leopard

Mar 10-24, 2025 (15 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Colombia: Discovering the Central Andes

Mar 14-24, 2025 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Discover Jamaica with Nature Alberta

Mar 28 - Apr 05, 2025 (9 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Lesser Antilles Expedition Cruise

Mar 28 - Apr 11, 2025 (15 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Patagonia & Chilean Fjords Expedition

Mar 30 - Apr 08, 2025 (10 days)

Quest Nature Tours

South Portugal in Spring

Apr 07-16, 2025 (10 days)

Quest Nature Tours

The “Other” Pelee

May 08-11, 2025 (4 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Spring Migration in Prince Edward County

May 12-15, 2025 (4 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Wild Scotland Expedition

May 18-29, 2025 (12 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Central Europe: Birds & Brews (and more!)

May 24 - Jun 03, 2025 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Newfoundland & Labrador'25

Jun 19 - Jul 02, 2025 (14 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Natural Iceland: More Than Fire and Ice

Jun 20-29, 2025 (10 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Great Bear Rainforest: In Search of Spirit Bears

Sep 20-27, 2025 (8 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Zambia: Insider’s Africa

Nov 03-14, 2025 (12 days)

Quest Nature Tours

Svalbard Explorer

Jun 18-28, 2026 (11 days)

Quest Nature Tours

The Beautiful Island of Taiwan: Your Way

(13 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

India Wildlife Spectacular: A Private Journey

(14 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Haida Gwaii: Canada's Galapagos

(9 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Uganda: Primate Encounter

(11 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Costa Rica: Wildlife & Relaxation in Style

(7 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Tiger Photo Safari: Private Journey

(13 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

South Tanzania: East Africa Off the Beaten Track

(14 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Birding in South Ecuador: Your Way

(14 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

SE Alaska: Bears, Glaciers, Whales & Wilderness

(13 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Sulawesi Birding & Wildlife: Your Way

(12 days, choose your dates)

Quest Nature Tours

Grizzly Bears & Primeval Forest: BC's North Coast

(7 days, choose your dates)

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