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Threaded between the Pacific Ocean and the snow-capped peaks of the Andes is a curiously long and thin country that stretches from northern desert in the north to the southern sub-polar archipelago. Chile is a trekking paradise for the intrepid explorer seeking an adventure. There is also the allure of South America’s newest wine route encompassing the Aconcagua and Colchagua Valleys where trendy guesthouses and restaurants add some cultural spice to your journey. The stark lunar landscape of the Atacama Desert is the perfect setting for a morning walk along the dunes, followed by a rejuvenating soak in a hot spring. Sweeping vistas greet the eager photographer in Torres del Paine National Park where the bounty of wildlife includes the llama’s close cousin, the guanaco, and an increasing population of the always intriguing puma. Great photos can also be had in the alpine reaches of the Lake District. Perhaps most intriguing of all is the isolated gem of the Pacific that is Easter Island. Here, the iconic moai statues strewn about a windswept landscape are a reminder of a fascinating tribal past.
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