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Riding on elephant back spotting tigers in Chitwan National Park
Flying over the dramatic mountains from Kathmandu to Bhutan
Taking in Paro's stunning Taktsang Monastery
Walking through Thimpu's broad green valley surrounded by terraced rice fields
Marveling at the remarkable Bhutanese architecture

Bhutan & Nepal: Your Way

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10 days | Bhutan | Private Journeys

The remote ancient Buddhist kingdoms of the Himalayas have always held a fascination for even the most sophisticated traveller. This trip explores the magnificent, vibrant culture of these hidden lands in the shadow of some of the most glorious scenery in the world. We’ll visit remote villages, home to the legendary Gurkhas and Sherpas, and sprawling castle-like monasteries where prayer flags reach out to the sky.

Your journey provides an ideal introduction to the East Himalayas, without the commitment to trek. We begin in Kathmandu, where we’ll explore the temples and palaces and enjoy the legendary Nepalese hospitality and the fascinating markets.

Then onward to the Dragon Kingdom of Bhutan, where we explore the markets and visit the remote monasteries and forts that reflect the deep cultural heritage that still permeates all strands of modern day life. Taktsang, the Tiger’s Nest, clinging to a sheer mountain ledge 900 metres above the terraced Paro Valley is startlingly scenic with nothing breaking the silence save the fluttering of the prayer flags and the chanting of the monks.
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