Located on the very edge of the North Atlantic, Newfoundland's Fogo Island is quickly earning international fame due to its architecturally groundbreaking Inn, tranquil atmosphere, and wonderful blend of past and future. With a population under 3000, this small community is now welcoming visitors from all over the world.

Fogo Island residents claim they have seven seasons: late fall; berry season; trap berth season; spring; summer; pack ice season; and winter. The question we asked was: which is the best one? It’s always a good time to visit, but for most of the Island’s locals, berry season is the best (and liveliest) time of year.

Here are 3 reasons to look forward to fall on Fogo:
1. Berries
During the month of October, Fogo Island finds itself carpeted in dozens of varieties of edible berries. If you visit, you will find the local people out collecting the season’s bounty across the island. They might even invite you to their secret berry patch (every Fogo Islander has one). While you’re exploring, stop at quaint café to try out some local pies and preserves, and perhaps learn a new recipe. The culinary experience at Fogo Island Inn always features the delicious berry crop during berry season!

2. Local celebrations
Berry season is a time of celebration for the people on Fogo Island. Festivals include Feile Tilting (a celebration of Tilting’s Irish heritage) as well as the ever-popular Fogo Island Partridgeberry Festival. Traditional berry season activities include bottling & canning preserves, smoking fish, foraging for mushrooms, seabird and caribou watching, and visits to Little Fogo Islands.

3. Weather

It is a common misconception that coastal Newfoundland’s icy weather kicks in as soon as the summer ends. When I asked Fogo Island Inn CEO Zita Cobb about October’s climate, she explained that ordinarily there’s only a 5 degree difference between summer and fall temperatures. Brilliant sunrises and sunsets punctuate the skies, the wind is predominantly from the west, and strolling the trails is pleasant. Of course, the slightly cooler temperatures make berry season the perfect time to get outside and scoop up handfuls of blueberries, raspberries, marshberries, or partridgeberries.
Click here for a complete list of the berries you can expect to find this October. 

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