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Kari Richardson

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” Thomas Jefferson. Many people think traveling is all about escaping, but the reality is travel for Kari is all about connection, adventure, and not letting life pass us by. She has always been an avid traveller with her love of discovering new places bringing her to far off lands such as Russia and Poland to the jungles of Mexico and sand swept beaches in the Caribbean. Her desire to connect with like-minded women who have a passion for travelling off the beaten path has brought her to us at WTN.

Born and raised in Calgary, Kari adorns many hats. She is a mother of 3 amazing young adults, is a professional artist and past owner of 3 incredibly successful bakeries to currently working as the Director of Partnerships for an Alberta-based children’s charity. Her attention to detail and calm, positive, free spirit will make you feel welcome and excited to join her on the next adventure.
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