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Manuel Grosselet

An ornithologist by training, Manuel has participated in numerous bird monitoring programs since 1988 in Europe, North Africa and North and Central America. Over the last two decades, he has monitored of birds in the Santo Domingo Botanical Garden in the Mexican city of Oaxaca. He has worked as sub-director in the Federal Environmental Law Enforcement Agency and in the Division of Wildlife in the Semarnat. He teaches courses on bird identification through sight and sound in France and Mexico, courses on use of mist-nets, bird banding, and moult in various parts of North America. He is certified as an official trainer by the North American Bird Banding Council. He has been a bird guide since 1993, beginning with “la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux en France”, and in Mexico since 2001.

Manuel also serves an Ornithological Specialist Advisor in Technical Services for the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio), National Federal Commission for Electricity (CFE), Mexican Petroleum (Pemex), Fonatur, National Institute of Anthopology and History (INAH), Technological Institute of Agriculture in Oaxaca (ITAO), Chemical and Hidrology Institute (IQH) and Grupo Ha´, amongst others.

He is also a recognized bird photographer, and his work has been exhibited in various places, and published in National Geographic, México Desconocido and in various books such as Handbook of the Birds of the World, Lynx edition. He has produced three bird field guides for Mexico and over 25 peer-reviewed ornithology publications.
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