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Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City reflect Vietnam's two contrasting poles. With its mist-shrouded lakes, faded colonial façades and numerous cafés, Hanoi is the moody, reflective older brother, harbouring a rich intellectual and artistic life. Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is the brash younger sibling: faster, newer, moving and modernizing at breakneck speed. Between the two are the magnificent South China Sea beaches, the bridges and lanterns of old fashioned Hoi An and the World Heritage listed architecture of Hue. At the extremities are the brilliant green patchwork rice paddies of the Mekong and the remote hill tribes of mountainous Sapa. We’re endlessly entranced by the variety of this country, its sublime landscapes and the generosity of its people in welcoming North Americans with dignity and warmth. Take your time here to indulge in luxury resorts, enjoy world class cuisine and take in the traditional charm.
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