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A LAND OF Berber, Arabian and European cultural influences

Morocco is a bridge between the mighty Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean corner of Europe. To the southwest of the Strait of Gibraltar along the Atlantic coast is the large port city of Casablanca – the setting of the classic World War II-era film. To the east of the strait and just south of the azure Mediterranean coast is cosmopolitan Fez with its high-sided streets. Further enjoy urban splendor inland at Marrakesh where exotic colours and styles give this city a special kind of appeal. Being so close to Europe means there is an overlap with European wildlife, including the elegant White Stork and colourful European Roller. This proximity to the West also adds a unique cultural twist to Morocco, whereby a fine understanding and tolerance of our ways is combined with a strong adherence to Islam. For artists, naturalists and “culture-vultures” alike, the land of shifting sands, grand palaces and sparkling coasts should be high on your list of can’t-miss destinations.
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