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Far from the ocean in the heart of Asia is this “land forgotten by time” – a phrase often used to describe some of the Earth’s wildest and most remote regions. It is a distinction perhaps no more appropriate than in Mongolia where, across its massive land area, few permanent settlements lie. Those that do exist are separated by almost endless expanses of sweeping taiga, steppe and desert. As stark as these places can be, camels and impressive congregations of migratory Mongolian Gazelles subsist. There is also a formidable variety of birds, with the bulk being migrants and summer breeders. The intrepid traveller will enjoy the traditional hospitality of the nomadic inhabitants as well as rustic accommodations and unique food. The rare touches of urban life are best experienced in the nation’s largest city of Ulaanbaatar. From the mountainous north to the Gobi Desert in the south, the adventure of a lifetime awaits in this untamed and largely unchanged land.


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