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The whisper of the wind through the wheat and barley fields
Seeing the massive flocks of geese against the prairie sky
Hearing the bugle call of the Whooping Crane for the first time
Observing the two-metre wingspan of the Tundra Swan

In Search of Whoopers II

Oct 06-10, 2025

5 days | Canada | Birding

The whisper of the prairie breeze is suddenly disturbed by a loud, bugle-like trumpeting as a family of three Whooping Cranes, their wings beating slowly and deliberately, fly just above the horizon to reach the edge of the lake, which lies northeast of Saskatoon.
Majestic Whooping Cranes, the rarest breeding bird in North America and the recipients of intense conservation efforts for decades, have arrived from their nesting grounds in Wood Buffalo Park to feed and rest before continuing on to their wintering grounds in Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. The area around Saskatoon is one of the most reliable areas on the continent to see “Whoopers,” North America’s tallest bird.

This is also the perfect time to observe one of the world’s best birding spectaculars: the fall waterfowl and shorebird migration. At this time of year, the prairie skies fill with snow-white Tundra Swans with two-metre wingspans and flocks of half-a-million Greater White-fronted, Snow, Canada, Cackling, and Ross’s Geese on their way south from Arctic nesting grounds. There are also many shorebird species and large rafts of ducks resting on prairie lakes and ponds. The sonorous calls from the huge flocks of Sandhill Cranes always attract our attention as they fly overhead to their nearby feeding grounds. There is also a variety of other prairie denizens — both feathered and furred — in addition to an alluring landscape. In fact, many Quest travellers have expressed surprise at how varied Saskatchewan actually is!

This is a very special small-group adventure, ideal for keen backcountry explorers. We keep abreast of the most up-to-date sightings and to determine our itinerary as “Whooper” locations are revealed. In 2024, we had the thrill of seeing 97 Whooping Cranes in one day! This is a fantastic number for an endangered species.
Birding Quest Nature Tours
Tour Cost (per person):
C$2595 + 5% GST (incl. gratuities)
Group Size:
6 - 8 Participants

What’s included: Accommodation, all meals, all activities and entrance fees, all ground transportation, expert local guides, arrival and departure transfers at destination, accompanied by Quest Nature Tours naturalist-leader. Gratuities of C$100 are included.

"The joy of repeated sightings of the Whooping Cranes has to have been my most memorable experience." - Anne M.
[Delta Hotels Bessborough] An imposing hotel in a great location, with accommodating staff and comfortable bed. - Nora and Ken

Itinerary at a Glance

1Arrive in Saskatoon / Prairie Pothole Region
2-4Exploring the prairies in search of “Whoopers”
5Depart Saskatoon
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Your Tour Leader

Prince Edward County-area resident and expert naturalist and biologist Andrea Kingsley has over 35 years of experience in field biology and guiding through various environmental consultant jobs, teaching, and research projects. Many of her projects both in Ontario and across Canada have involved birds and she is highly experienced at field identification by sight and sound.

Birding Quest Nature Tours
Tour Cost (per person):
C$2595 + 5% GST (incl. gratuities)
Group Size:
6 - 8 Participants

What’s included: Accommodation, all meals, all activities and entrance fees, all ground transportation, expert local guides, arrival and departure transfers at destination, accompanied by Quest Nature Tours naturalist-leader. Gratuities of C$100 are included.

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In Search of Whoopers II

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