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Trinidad & Tobago


Few natural events are as dramatic and magical as the evening flight of the Scarlet Ibis at the famous Caroni Marsh. This is but one experience bound to leave a lasting impression on a visit to these two verdant islands off of Venezuela’s northeast coast. A world-renowned tropical birding “hotspot”, Trinidad and Tobago collectively offer tremendous habitat diversity, allowing for their teeming flora and fauna. The rainforest-covered slopes of the Northern Range are dripping with birds. Lowland forest and grassland habitats as well as coastal tidepools and mangroves offer an entirely different array of species. Snorkelling off of Tobago in the warm aquamarine waters adds another dimension to your adventure still. Classic tropical beings such as leaf-cutter and army ants, dazzling butterflies and a multitude of orchids provide endless photo and video opportunities on these tiny, but breathtaking gems of the Caribbean.

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