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Centries-old Stupas and Big Smiles

Not much favoured by recent history, Myanmar is once again on our recommended list. There are challenges travelling just about everywhere these days, but our guides and in-country experts are happy to see us and proud to showcase their country. One of Asia’s most complex and least visited countries, Myanmar remains in many ways more 16th century than 21st. The capital Yangon has relatively few modern structures and retains its distinctive heritage of British, Burmese, Indian and Chinese influences. Its skyline is dominated by the golden dome of the renowned Shwedagon Pagoda. At Inle Lake, Intha fishermen practice their unique one-legged boat rowing technique. The thousands of pagodas and stupas strewn across the plain at Bagan, the Angkor Wat of Burma, look like fairytale kingdom. At dawn and dusk, we enjoy the view of hues of gold reflecting off the many domes and spires as we ride on horse-driven carriages.


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