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Take a Zodiac ride surrounded by curious Belugas
Watch the aerial acrobatics of Arctic Terns at close range
Photograph breeding shorebirds, ducks and Pacific Loons
Search for Arctic Foxes and Arctic Hares among wildflower-filled tundra
Explore the Hudson Bay coast at low tide

Churchill in Summer: Belugas, Tundra Wildflowers

Jul 05-10, 2025

6 days | Canada | Quest Nature Tours

The Hudson Bay coast around Churchill springs to life in late June with the onset of the short sub-Arctic summer. We have planned our trip to coincide with the mass congregation of Beluga whales in the Churchill River Estuary, the peak of breeding season for birdlife and tundra wildflower blooming.

There’s nowhere else on Earth where you can get so readily close to the curious and highly sociable Beluga. On our two boat and zodiac excursions, great photos are almost guaranteed, and we’ll have the added bonus of hearing the bizarre clicks, squeaks and whistles of echolocating Belugas through underwater hydrophones. Belugas can also be seen during coastline walks, which we’ll enjoy, especially at low tide when shorebirds like the handsome Hudsonian Godwit take advantage of the expanded feeding territory. Arctic Terns swoop and dive nearby, ever vigilant of antagonistic Parasitic Jaegers. Gaudy Common Eiders and Long-tailed Ducks are easily observed just offshore.

Our tundra excursions take us into prime breeding territory for several shorebirds where we’ll witness behaviours and vocalizations rarely exhibited during migration. Elegant Whimbrels, Stilt Sandpipers, and American Golden-Plover are special sights, along with Red-necked Phalaropes and Pacific Loons in small lakes and ponds.

While hiking the tundra, we’ll be ever on the lookout for Willow Ptarmigan, Arctic Foxes and Arctic Hares. In their summer finery, these resident animals can blend remarkably well with the surrounding tundra, which bursts into colour as tiny, yet hardy, wildflowers come into bloom.

Just south of the adjacent treeline of the Boreal forest, resident Canada Jays and Spruce Grouse breed alongside summer visitors like Blackpoll and Yellow-rumped Warblers.

This small group tour with like-minded inquisitive travellers allows an enriching visit to the gateway to the Arctic at a time when the land and waters are at their annual peak of life and activity under 18 hours of full daylight.
Quest Nature Tours Birding Worldwide Explorers Club
Tour Cost (per person):
C$4795 + 5% GST
Group Size:
10 - 12 participants

What’s included: Hotel accommodation in Winnipeg for one night in double occupancy, roundtrip airfare from Winnipeg to Churchill, single-sex quadruple rooms in Churchill at Churchill Northern Studies Centre, gratuities for services provided by Quest, ground transportation in Churchill, all meals, park entrance fees in Churchill, services of Quest naturalist leader.

Itinerary at a Glance

1Arrive in Winnipeg
2Flight to Churchill / Explore Churchill and area
3Boating among Belugas in the Churchill River Estuary
4Breeding birds, mammals, and tundra wildflowers
5Belugas by zodiac and Prince of Wales Fort / Birds of the boreal forest
6Flights to Winnipeg / Depart
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Your Tour Leader

Bonnie Chartier was born and raised in Churchill, Manitoba. She has been involved in Churchill’s tourism industry since its inception and was instrumental in introducing the world to Churchill’s Polar Bears, Belugas, birds, and natural history. Bonnie’s familiarity with the Churchill region is boundless and guests quickly appreciate her tremendous wealth of knowledge!

Quest Nature Tours Birding Worldwide Explorers Club
Tour Cost (per person):
C$4795 + 5% GST
Group Size:
10 - 12 participants

What’s included: Hotel accommodation in Winnipeg for one night in double occupancy, roundtrip airfare from Winnipeg to Churchill, single-sex quadruple rooms in Churchill at Churchill Northern Studies Centre, gratuities for services provided by Quest, ground transportation in Churchill, all meals, park entrance fees in Churchill, services of Quest naturalist leader.

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Churchill in Summer: Belugas, Tundra Wildflowers

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