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Dr. Karen Danylchuk

Dr. Karen Danylchuk is a Professor Emerita at The University of Western Ontario. Recently retired, Karen taught and researched in the field of Sport Management in the School of Kinesiology, Faculty of Health Sciences. Throughout her 38 years at Western, she served in a variety of administrative roles as Associate Dean (Academic) of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Acting Director of the School of Kinesiology, and Coordinator of Intercollegiate Athletics. Karen holds degrees from McMaster University (BPE), The University of Western Ontario (MA), and University of Toronto (EdD).

Prior to working at Western, Karen taught and coached at Hong Kong International School and McMaster University. Her research interests include sport participation; women’s representation in sport; leadership; and sport marketing. Karen has published extensively and has presented her research globally.

Karen has been a leader in global sport management professional organizations, serving as a former President of the North American Society for Sport Management and the World Association for Sport Management. She also served as Assistant Chef Administration of Team Canada for the World University Summer Games in Sicily and assistant coach of the Canadian women’s golf team at the World University Golf Championships in South Africa. She has been a competitive athlete and has coached tennis, squash, and golf at the university level.

Originally from Sarnia, Karen’s passion for travel began at a very young age and has taken her to close to 100 countries. She especially enjoys active holidays of hiking, cycling, and downhill skiing, and is very excited to serve as Wellness Leader for the Bratislava to Prague Walking Tour.

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