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Patrick Moldowan

Patrick Moldowan is a devoted lifelong interpretive naturalist with a special interest in herpetology and biogeography. Patrick just recently began work for the Charles Darwin Foundation in the Galapagos Islands, where he oversees a giant tortoise research program. Affable and unflappable, Patrick's natural teaching style, care for others and indelible love for wildlife and wild spaces, particularly for island and their ecosystems, make him a perfect 'natural host' on tour. Patrick has previously led tours to Yukon & Alaska and most recently, the Galapagos Islands.
Patrick recently completed his doctoral studies at the University of Toronto. His thesis focused on the ecology and sensitivity to environmental change of a northern population of Spotted Salamander, with studies based at the Algonquin Wildlife Research Station in Algonquin Provincial Park. He has also devoted considerable time to long-term studies of amphibians and turtles in Algonquin Park more generally. Patrick publishes notes on many of his findings in the field. He and collaborators recently published a fascinating paper on observations that pitcher-plants feeds on salamanders, which you can read here

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