While we enjoy the benefits of travel and wildlife-viewing, it is important to ensure that wildlife and the habitat it requires benefit from the protection they need. We are proud to support the work of organizations that protect natural habitats through research, education, and restoration. We also cherish the partners and friends that help make your travel experiences flourish.

Ontario Nature protects wild species and wild spaces through conservation, education, and public engagement. It is a charitable organization representing more than 30,000 members and supporters and 150 member groups from across Ontario. Since it was established as the Federation of Ontario Naturalists in 1931, Ontario Nature has been a champion for nature in Ontario. We are proud to operate tours for Ontario Nature in support of their Nature Guardians program.

Established in 1981, the Friends of Point Pelee are dedicated to providing resources and services to Point Pelee National Park, which is a major migratory bird hotspot and contains a RAMSAR-designated wetland of international significance, constituting an Important Bird Area. This volunteer and staff based not-for-profit group, working in collaboration with Parks Canada, enhances the visitor experience in the Park and is committed to protecting the natural and cultural features that make Point Pelee National Park unique.
At every Festival of Birds at Point Pelee National Park since 2013 (and previously, 1999 – 2007 inclusive), we’ve sponsored the Friends of Point Pelee by providing Quest Nature Tours leaders to host birding hikes for groups of visitors. We also helped to raise tens of thousands of dollars towards the re-building of the Point Pelee National Park Visitor Centre theatre through sponsoring an annual sweepstakes, which ran for several years.
At every Festival of Birds at Point Pelee National Park since 2013 (and previously, 1999 – 2007 inclusive), we’ve sponsored the Friends of Point Pelee by providing Quest Nature Tours leaders to host birding hikes for groups of visitors. We also helped to raise tens of thousands of dollars towards the re-building of the Point Pelee National Park Visitor Centre theatre through sponsoring an annual sweepstakes, which ran for several years.

Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) Canada is a registered Canadian charity widely recognized as the pre-eminent authority on the bird-building collision issue. Since 2010, FLAP has occupied a complimentary table for promotional use at the annual Quest Nature Tours Social at the Toronto Botanical Garden.

Binoculars are essential for any nature tour. If you are considering the purchase of a new pair, we recommend one of the many quality models produced by Vortex Canada, one of our corporate partners.

We have a strong connection at The Arboretum at the University of Guelph with Chris Earley, The Arboretum's Interpretive Biologist and Education Coordinator, whom is also a Quest Nature Tours leader. Since 2020, Chris has hosted numerous education virtual workshops including Bird Sounds and Bird ID which we always promote to our community.

Over the past many years, nature lovers have congregated each spring near the shores of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay to enjoy some of the best birding and landscapes in Ontario at the Huron Fringe Birding Festival. In partnership with the Friends of MacGregor Point Park, Quest Nature Tours leaders lead hikes in the area to enhance visitors' festival experience.